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Prices and Ordering

Pound Sterling

To pay in pounds sterling, use the shopping cart to order.


You may prefer to be invoiced in dollars or euros rather than pound sterling. Unfortunately, the current rapid movements of exchange rates prevent us setting fixed dollar and euro prices. However, using the prevailing rate, we will quote a firm dollar or euro price for any of our books if you contact us by mail, fax, telephone or email.

If you are concerned merely that the sum you pay is in your local currency (dollars, euros, etc.), use the ordinary shopping cart. Our £ sterling price will be converted into your local currency by Visa, Mastercard, etc., on the monthly statement. However, the precise amount will vary with movements in the exchange rate, and so may not be known exactly until you receive the statement. Being invoiced in dollars or euros (as above) will enable you to avoid this uncertainty, but the actual difference is unlikely to be great. For guidance, see the dollar and euro prices for the various items, then contact us by mail, fax, telephone or email for a firm quote.

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